Thursday, April 26, 2012

day 4: a crocheter for all seasons - 3kcbwday4 (k&c blog week)

although where i live its usually warm and dry but the airconditioning abundant everywhere makes it feel the opposite, MASHAALLAH. i rarely give any importance to the weather for crocheting. As far as i can recollect,  granny sweater was the only project that i had to make uptill now according to the season.

It was cold at my granny's place.
My projects are often crocheted in curiousity to try out new techniques and patterns.

for more posts on 3kcbwday4 search google with this code: 3kcbwday4 .


  1. Beautiful crafting! Your blog is very peaceful with the birds singing. I made little dresses too.

    (found you through iCrochet)

    1. ALHUMDULILLAH. thanks, mrs wild. just visited ur blog. nice dresses, MASHAALLAH.
