Tuesday, April 24, 2012

day 2: photography day-3KCBWDAY2 (k&c blog week)

After musing on the topic for today and choosing what to publish, i finally got something to post, ALHUMDULILLAH.
If you are a crocheting or knitting fan, you will imagine using yarn in almost all of your artful delights. In these pics, i want to depict the close relation between yarns and movie titles.

Note: MASHAALLAH, editing was done by my younger sis. INSHAALLAH, you can nominate me here, http://www.eskimimimakes.com/2012/04/knitting-and-crochet-blog-week.html, if you like my pics.

for more posts on 3kcbwday2 search google with this code: 3kcbwday2 .


  1. Assalamu Alaykum,
    Cute idea here :)
    Btw, I can't call you because of the compound line. Details to follow, in an email :)
