Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New Place, New Discoveries - Part 1

A lot has been going on lately, AlhumduLillah. I have recently shifted from my birth place to my home country. In India, AlhumduLillah, I can find all kinds of delicious Indian dishes but I do miss some Arabic delicacies that are not very common here. Ofcourse you can find replicas of Shawarmas, Kabsa and Mutabakh but they do have an Indian spicy touch.
So I decided to try my hand on some recipes and Subhan Allah, the baking world enfolded in front of me. I started with an Arabic snack known as Fatayr.

I didn't get to snap a good picture of it because before I could focus on the camera, they were gone. AlhumduLillah, relished till the last crumb. Recipe courtesy Xawaash SomaliFoodBlog.
After making a batch of these, I still had some flour mixture left. So I went through some recipes on the net and found a really fun way to mould the dough. The Braided Bread.......yes for me to try it out, was something new.

Now this technique for braiding the bread dough, was learnt from The bread kitchen by Titli Nihaan.
After making these tiny trial rolls, I still had some more dough . Oh I forgot, the fatayr filling that was left.
So I again looked for filled braided breads and AlhumduLillah got one that looked good.
You can find this technique at NL Braided Bread by Colleen Simmons

So altogether, had a fun filled new learning experience in a new place, ALHUMDULILLAH.